"Our old, wonderful host was bought out by a
group of evil trained monkeys and they flung
poop on our server until it shut off. We are
sorry about the trouble. The poop has been
cleaned off and me and Jon are currently dining
on Monkey Brains Temple of Doom style." "We can blackmail everyone and make our fortunes. Whad'ya say?" "You must be happy whilst you're working, and be diligent and enthused and... Yeah, I can't complete that with a straight face...work sucks..." "SMG in Scooby Doooooooo 12!!!!!!!" "See if I am going to Voyeur dang spelling, I want to do it in person and not on tv. I mean I never get caught and I do it all the time." "Looks like Fox canceled Wonderfalls so fast they even confused themselves. They're still showing ads for it in my area. Maybe they're going for the all-important time traveler market . . ." "I love Angelus! He's oh so sexy and psychotic! The perfect mix!" "You are definately the ringleader of naughtiness here. I was a nice, upstanding, knitting little old lady until YOU got me started!!!!!" "Giles was racist... at least metaphorically." "This thread is evvvvviiiil..." "Spuffy's Rule, Bangel's Drool!" "Don't mind all the crazy's, you can't exactly avoid them easily." "Don't listen to her. We're all crazy, and there's no avoiding all of us." "WB...pieces of puke!" "I don't plan on watching it...I would like the WB execs to fall on their collective dumbs asses..." "Shows how cool I'm not.....I heard the title and thought of MAcArthur and the old line from the folk song about what old soldiers do instead of dying." "Wait a minute! You're MY bitch, not the other way around!!!" "Legwarmers are great and fashionable. Anyone who thinks differently needs to seriously rewatch the opening five minutes to Footloose. That movie rocks." "All sin-ing, all dancing, all demon-y. Wait - no - thats the Nick and Jessica Show!" "I forgot about Hush. Duh. The Gentlemen scared the crap out of me with their perma-smiles."